Wednesday, May 30, 2007

crystal reports/visual studio 6 error

If this occurs only to a particular user, you may remove the following registry iteM

HK-current_user... \software\seagate software

as well as HK-user profile-username \software\seagate software

Alternatively, check registry permission is correct, reset it for multiple times (read for everyone) to certain part may be helpful


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Sources at the 301 military hospital in Beijing had indicated to The Times that Huang Ju, China’s vice premier in charge of economic reform, the sixth most powerful official on China's ruling Politburo Standing Committee, died this morning at the age of 69 after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer
may 9th 2007 form Timesonline

Let's wait 'n c when this f**king dog is annouced dead


manchester's PAYD traffic charge?

How about vehicles from other cities?



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where to find purified resource and help

From foreigners who are in China and organized:

Good place for business and personal contacts


Monday, May 28, 2007



一是生猪价格周期性波动规律影响。2006年上半年,生猪市场价格持续低迷,5月生猪价格跌入最低谷,为5.96元/公斤,养猪业处于亏损状态。下半年价格逐步回升,生产开始恢复,由于繁殖饲养周期约需一年多时间,目前的生猪价格仍处于运行周期的上升期,这次价格波动是去年以来周期波动的反映。    二是养殖成本增加。去年底开始,作为主要饲料原料的玉米价格持续攀升,到今年5月份已达到每公斤1.55元,比上年同期上涨16%左右。据调查,出栏一头肥猪,仅饲料成本就比去年同期增加40—50元。    三是市场需求拉动。随着城乡居民收入的不断增长,国内猪肉消费呈增长趋势。据有关部门统计,今年1—4月,农村居民猪肉消费同比增长15.1%。    四是受去年上半年养猪比较效益低的影响,一些地区农户生猪饲养有所减少


Pork price rises fuel China inflation fear
By Richard McGregor in Beijing and Jamil Anderlini in Hong Kong
Published: May 28 2007 13:05 Last updated: May 28 2007 13:05
A disease killing millions of pigs in China has sharply lifted the price of pork, the country’s staple meat, fuelling fears about inflation and prompting a call from the top leadership for increased production of the meat.
Wen Jiabao, premier, provided confirmation of the seriousness of the crisis with a weekend visit to a market in Shaanxi province, where he said farmers should help “resolve the problem” of providing meat for 1.3bn people.
Pork prices have risen by as much as 30 per cent in Chinese cities over the last week. According to the agriculture ministry, wholesale prices for pigs have gone up even more, rising 71.3 per cent since April.
China’s 500m pigs are the country’s most important source of affordable meat, and any sustained interruption in supply would be a major political problem for the government.
While the price of feed, such as corn, has risen, the main culprit is an epidemic of a mysterious illness known as ‘blue ear’ disease, as well as the more common foot-and-mouth affliction.
“I have heard it has killed as many as 20m hogs,” said an industry executive on Monday.
The government has not issued any estimate of how many pigs have been struck down by disease, and in any case, China’s size and the number of small producers make it difficult to quickly tabulate reliable figures.
But the impact of the shortage of pork is apparent in many areas, from sausage makers switching meats, to rising offal prices, and attempts by Hong Kong to import meat from South America.
China cannot easily find competitively priced pork to replace the shortfall at home, because of its own health-related restrictions on imports from South America, where prices are relatively low. US and European pork is relatively expensive.
The government has a “strategic pork reserve”, established in the late nineties, including both frozen stocks and access to pig farms, which could provide a buffer.
“We are considering releasing some of these reserves into the market in certain targeted areas in order to reduce soaring prices,” said Li Xizhen of the Ministry of Commerce.
“We will not be giving free meat to people, but will sell pork and use market mechanisms to bring down volatility.”
Mr Wen, in his visit to the market, said the government “is going all out to ensure the supply of pork and keep it affordable.”
Soaring pork prices are also expected to add to inflation, already under pressure from rising food prices in other areas.
“The surge in pork prices will likely push year-on-year CPI inflation to above 4 per cent very soon,” said Hong Liang, of Goldman Sachs, in Hong Kong, in a research note.
“Meat constitutes about 7 per cent of the CPI basket, and its price pressures are likely to spread to eggs, fish and other food products.”
Although 4 per cent is above the central bank’s unofficial “tolerance rate” of three, core inflation remains low.


out-of-expectation E-bay experience

I bought an item on ebay and found it's not the function I want (a bit mis-leading on the description but still... not scum).

Contacted seller and she replied "I will refund you, keep the item, saving your effort of posting it back"

that's typical Brit. Thumb up


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Right choice of PowerGen: onshore again

Powergen moves Indian call centre back to UK
Energy company will create 1,000 jobs
Emma Nash, Computing, 16 Jun 2006
Powergen is to shut its Indian call centres and move jobs back to the UK to improve customer services.
The energy company, part of E.ON, intends to withdraw all inbound call handling from India so calls are answered by Powergen’s own UK advisers.
Industry experts believe pressure to retain customers has promoted the decision, that will create around 1,000 new UK jobs throughout 2006.
Nick Horler, managing director of Powergen, said: ‘Offshore call centres may have their place for certain industries. However, we believe that we can best achieve industry-leading customer service by operating solely in the UK.’
He said that although the cost of overseas outsourcing can be low, ‘we’re simply not prepared to achieve savings at the risk or expense of customer satisfaction.’
Martyn Hart, chairman of the National Outsourcing Association, said that following deregulation of the energy industry, suppliers have had to operate in a highly competitive retail market with little top line growth so ‘customer retention has become the key success factor.’
He says companies need to align their offshoring strategy to suite the priorities of their target customers. ‘Offshoring is not for every company,’ he said.
Hart says that factors possibly undermining offshore call centres include high attrition levels which have been reduced in the UK as companies focused on staff training and providing staff with the right information to answer queries and complaints.
Other potential problems include language barriers and cultural sympathy making it difficult for an offshore agent to be really in tune with the cultural issues of another country.

My comments: Thanks for the right choice! It took me 30 minutes to talk to an Indian operator to confirm a small contract, and I abandonned at last because of can't understand his pronounciation!


Thursday, May 24, 2007






Wednesday, May 23, 2007






Tuesday, May 22, 2007

courage and merit for job application

Today talked with a peer student from another Asian country, he became interested in find a similar job after knowing what I am doing. Although we both think he is not qualified for the full-time job, he still decide to ring the HR. And the HR gave hime positive answer, after he showed his willingness to find a work, as an ideal applicant they can apply work permit!

And the option of change job description/change on-going study from full-time to part-time wa discussed. The result is satisfactory and he is now filling the forms, encouraged.

In contrast, another guy who seeks job is not that brave, besides he is not showing well when in daily socializing....


Monday, May 21, 2007


  「出价太吓人了,」Fondation Capital合夥人,曾担任美林证券合并及收购事宜的Charles Moldow指出。或许「他们希望能补强现有的广告流量,需要把这种能力提供给市场,这是他们现在脑子里所想的唯一一件事—而且要快。不然我想不出为什麽这麽急。」
  随着消费者休闲生活转往网路,大型网路公司为了攫取网路广告大饼而兴起线上广告公司的收购竞赛。在Google宣布收购DoubleClick的意愿後,Yahoo也以6.8亿美元买下线上网路广告交换公司Right Media。上周,WPP集团则以6.49亿美元收购广告服务公司24/7 Real Media。之前微软传出也有意收购24/7 Real Media。
  Outlook Ventures总监Randy Haykin指出,微软的Aquantive收购案是AOL三年前以4.35亿买下线上广告网路Advertising.com後掀起合并风潮下的「防卫策略」。

comment: 照此看来,收购了好耶的那家公司该有股价反映了。。


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

vouchers for thetrainline and

TheTrainline are offering a £5 discount on all your online orders over £20. Just order your tickets online and use the TheTrainline voucher code below to get your £5 Virgin Train discount. Discount Code: LTTL5D£5-Trainline-Discount.htm


Saturday, May 05, 2007


林则徐绝对斗不过鸦片,绝对 好文

秋燕饵 回复日期:2007-4-29 17:31:32 


Friday, May 04, 2007


  人们办急事时都说要争分夺秒,但对于烫伤急救来说,一分钟太久,要秒秒必争。  不久前,一位农民在海边煮海水制盐,不慎跌进开水池里,烫伤面积达96%。幸亏他有急救常识,立即跳进身旁的大海里急降温,后来住进医院治疗10多天就出院了

Thursday, May 03, 2007

a small mobile site

to facilitate those who wish to publish/seek a free lift.


Crazy man- Inheritance wanted-Are you rich with no relatives?Please add me to your will (World

Inheritance wanted-Are you rich with no relatives?Please add me to your will (World

You got no relatives or close friends that deserve to inhert what you earned during your life in this planet.Nowadays a lot of crazy things happen on the internet, like selling pixels to make a million or buy a house with a paper clip, so i tought: Maybe my add will appear on a newspaper or television and a millionaire (or not so rich) will think that someone like me desereves to be added to your will. My mom always said: Dont be afraid to ask, the worse that can happen is to hear a NORemember: You can live anywhere in the world, i'll travel to claim my rights, no jobs too smallLoveLuiz


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

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猜测2: 如无大变,差劲的两岸 政策不可能挽救国 民-党,吕某的党派能够当选。








Tuesday, May 01, 2007

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