But they were rookies in this business, and they made a grave miscalculation. The price of DVD players was plunging, yet they hadn't inserted any price protection in the contracts they signed with their makers. The price of Apex's cheapest DVD player had fallen to $70, yet its orders were placed so far in advance--up to nine months ahead of shipping--that Apex got squeezed between what it had agreed to pay suppliers and the ever-declining prices that U.S. retailers were willing to pay to Apex
Yet Apex, undaunted, vastly expanded its business with Changhong, selling 1.5 million cheap Changhong TV sets in the U.S. market in 2002. By April 2003 Apex had paid Changhong $250 million, but the maker insisted Apex owed it an additional $411 million. Ji said no way: He had docked Changhong for late deliveries, repair costs, returned shipments, mislabeling and other shoddy work. He only paid out another $59 million.
This is where things got touchy. Changhong had recovered from rough times, its stock tumbling from $3.35 to 86 cents but rebounding to the $1.25 range. Ni Runfeng, the chief executive, was being hailed as a hero in China. News that it might have to write off $350 million would be a bad setback. But Ji had a close working relationship with Ni, and they trusted each other, so they compromised: Changhong could book the bill as a massive receivable, and they would work it out later, says Hsu
长虹的这些应收帐款都是谁的呢?我们发现都是 Apex的。Apex的创办人叫季龙粉,为什么叫季龙粉呢?因为他父亲爱吃龙口粉丝,所以给儿子起名为季龙粉,这是季龙粉的律师告诉我的。我发现Apex 主要通过小额交易建立信誉,然后采用赊账方式进行大额贸易,以后就不还钱了。倪润峰这样聪明的人为什么要和季龙粉这样劣迹斑斑的人合作呢?2001年7月 16日,长虹高调和Apex合作。在长虹和Apex合作期间,长虹的2位海外项目负责人多次叫停向Apex发货,但每次季龙粉都能成功让长虹发货。为什么 Apex有这么高的应收帐款,存在这么高的风险,倪润峰还要和季龙粉合作?据有关知情人的消息,倪润峰在退隐期间曾到美国访问,回来复出后就与Apex签下合作协议