Sunday, July 15, 2007

转:Data mining in Second Life

There are a number of things that trouble me about this. The main thing is that a third party is going to be used. I made an agreement with Linden Labs that they could utilise my credit card details to pay for a service they were providing me, but this goes well beyond that. While I agree that some form of age verification should be done within Second Life - I don't think this is the way to do it. I think they are opening a dangerous Pandoras Box here.It doesn't much bother me from a governmental point of view. Governments can already collect my data. But where is it going to end from a private point of view? To site one example very relevant to Second Life, let's look at our old friends the music industry.Already the music industry is making a concerted effort to price many internet based music radio stations out of existence. For each track broadcast they want a fee, and they've set fees very high considering the fee has to be paid not for each broadcast of the track, but for each person listening to the track. And here's where it overlaps the boundary into Second Life.
字串8There are a large number of clubs in Second Life, and an even larger number of non-club plots that stream music in. My question of the day is this: If a company is allowed to collect my name, address, date of birth and other such personal information, and the RIAA (I site them as an example because of their very active campaign to chase people for money) then comes to this data mining site and says "We believe that this person is playing music into their lot on SL, hand over their details" - will they do so? And will I be told about it? Or will the first thing I hear about it be when a bill drops through my letterbox saying "You've played 500 tracks this last month, and we believe that they've been heard by 10 people, so here's the bill."Data Mining using a third party is the top of a very slippery slope. While I would be prepared to supply, for example, my driving license number to Linden Labs direct so that they could run a check to see if a license in that name existed and was valid, that's the extent of it. I would balk at providing even THOSE details to a third party, since that third party is going to have other interests that Linden Labs doesn't (not to mention the fact that they might not even tell Linden Labs that they were giving away residents details to avoid being sued). I am certainly not prepared to provide detailed information such as my name and address, DOB and passport number just to play a game, ESPECIALLY if those details are going to be shared with a third party. When they demand that for entry to mature areas, I shall simply not enter mature areas. When they demand it for entry to the grid, I shall leave Second Life completely.

哪些应该成为中国secondlife目标大客户,成为竞相抢夺的稀缺资源。原则上,大客户营销属于有奶便是娘的情况;哪个企业投资多那个就应该是最大的大客户。但是企业自身应该有一个明确的战略目标,东一榔头西一棒子终究不成气候,应该专注于企业发展策略,将优势资源全部投入个个击破。我心中的香饽饽:1游戏规则指定方面:众所周知,SL已经发展成为一个小社会,她的很大一部分商业价值已经成为新产品的试验场。那么放大一点说,如果国家对社会进行的一些改革举措是不是也可以在这里进行试验呢?比如国家发改委进行宏观调控时在这里进行小范围的试验,成功后进行实际的推广......用一个极端的例子做假设:SL第一大产业是色情行业,这个也是人性使然,通过多年治理经验来看:“防止方法,疏重于堵”。据悉广东的地方政府已将第四产业合法化并有效地加以管理,从目前看无论是从社会的安定还是地方税收都体现出了积极的因素;其实这样的改革完全可以在SL这里做一个试验场,运作成熟了再进行真正的改革。对政府机构改革提供试验场所与依据的同时,也使企业本身加强了与政府的联系,可以避免很多政策上的风险,同时游戏内部的宏观调控也更有针对性。2电子交易方面:虚拟物品的交换必不可少的要进行电子交易,那么网上支付安全则是必不可少的业务。如果通过一些资源置换,将商业银行等企业引入,将这部分业务直接转给银行来做,又是一个互惠互利的合作共赢点;加之交易安全的要求,保险、第三方支付平台等也是同样的道理。3旗帜性的企业的品牌宣传要知道世界500强的企业进驻总会引起一阵波澜。SL中路透的进驻 IBM斥资1.2亿打造3个岛屿,甚至连希拉里以虚拟形象进行竞选美国总统,都成为可以炒作的谈资。归根到底还是合作共赢发挥各自的价值。4创业的孵化:很多人来这里不是来消费的,有相当一部分是抱着挣钱的目的来的,越是早期比例越高。那么如何帮助这些“创业者”可以更好的开展项目,企业孵化或者风险投资都是有吸引力的“稀缺资源”。一旦孵化成功利润可观,另外也可以把成功的案例拿来炒作(SL中的钟安社,不过人家是自己白手起家的),说到底又是合作共赢。5其他人气:网上有很多人说:SL就是3D化的淘宝、阿里巴巴。的确有很多相似的地方,所以可以将如此庞大的一个目标客户群平移到SL的这个平台上,商业价值将相当的客观。(虽然现在马云还不打算在这淘宝挣钱,但是诸多迹象表明淘宝、阿里巴巴和雅虎整合后的商业价值将非常具有想象力)闲扯了很多,总结一下:想让这个游戏的规则更有价值——咨询政府相关部门想让游戏的安全性提升——找银行保险等专业性服务企业想让推广方面抢得眼球——找知名的大企业新锐公司或者名人想让里面的用户快速致富乌鸡变凤凰——找风险投资、孵化器企业想让游戏里用户有个奔头——先找来大批的制造者用户顺口溜说似乎更简洁:有困难找政府,要钱找银行,要炒作找名人,要热闹找人呗


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