Sunday, July 15, 2007



用好的搜索引擎(摆渡除外)搜: "should britain apologise" to india 就可以看到这些观点,很有意思

Why should Britain apologise for peacefully building a great empire and bringing culture and democracy to the far reaches of the earth. The British empire enriched the world and lifted many peoples out of a primitive tribal existence. We have nothing to apologise for. Our forefathers made Britain great. (立马就被人反驳了,列举出鸦片,印度饥荒,屠杀,白人优越论等)

We should celebrate our role in the abolition of slavery in the context that we created the only Empire in the world which we developed into a Commonwealth of some 40 free and independent nations. All these share with us our language and democratic ideals. There may be imperfections, but we handed on justice, security, education medecine and economic development. Yes we did benefit ourselves but we spread Pax Brittanica. Without peace nothing could have been achieved

Apologising would effectively be accepting the blame for it, and frankly it isn't our current governments fault in the slightest. As said, deep regret has been expressed, and I don't see why more is necessary. I think we can all say that we're sorry that it happened, I doubt many people would argue that it was a terrible thing. But I'm not sorry that I had a part in it, because I didn't, and I don't think the government we have today had anything to do with it either. As q3 says, that makes it an empty apology, and apologising because it costs nothing and may get us something (the 'beneficial consquenses') makes it shallow and worthless.

比较公道的:Nobody is debating that slavery was a bad thing, this is true, and equally nobody is debating that the slave trade was not the fault of our current government, or Tony Blair. The apology was meant to be specifically for Britain’s history, not a personal apology, and I would argue that since Britain benefited massively from the inhumane treatment of its slaves, and the blood and sweat of thousands of Africans, it would not be an empty apology at all. There are no disadvantages to apologising, so even if it were “empty” it could only have good consequences, both symbolically and as a means to satisfying those who do (correctly or not) attach significance to it. It is very easy to see how Africans, and those who originate from ex-colonies of Britain, would like a formal apology from the British head of government (as well as the head of state for that matter- the Queen’s jewels, all the rubies and diamonds in her crown and other treasure owned by the royal line are almost exclusively plunder from India’s holy temples).



We went to war for Poland in 1939, we bankrupted a huge Empire fighting it, we had no way to stop the Nazi's in 1944 in Poland, and we certainly didn't have any way of stopping Russia taking over Poland after the war.Theo, UK

During the World War II living under the German terror unimaginable for the people from the west Poland being a western ally lost: 25% of its population 39% of doctors 33% of teachers 26% of lawyers 70% of industry 90% of cultural heritage (in Warsaw alone) We do not need apologies (perhaps for the Germans) but we ask you to remember about thatTom, Warsaw

Apologies are absurd once the leadership of the generation who offended, or not, are dead. Make no exceptions to that rule and you cannot go wrong.Andrew, London



〉 的确,查戈斯群岛的居民争取正义和自由的斗争源于一桩罪行,而这桩罪行让我们看到了大国怎样在道貌岸然的民主外衣下施展诡计,强国怎样为了自身的利益而欺凌他国,政府是怎样用谎言为自己的恶行辩护。


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