Sunday, July 01, 2007



Innocent tone of voiceThe magic ingredient in the design, which has led to some companies beating a path to Ford’s door asking for the same results, is the tone of voice that Innocent manages to get across to the customer through its packaging. Germain explains that, in his eyes, the most important part of the packaging is hidden away at the back of the bottle or carton. This space is used as a way of encouraging dialogue with customers, and it also has the additional benefit of avoiding the need for focus groups.
“There are 90 to 100 words on the back of the product which, from the beginning, have always been our own advertising space and a way of talking to people. We have a full-time team of people who get 500-600 emails a week. Talking to people who drink our drinks is the best way to get to know people, not through artificial situations,” he says.
The words on the back of the drinks are supported by the ‘banana phone’, which is manned by staff there to listen to people who suggest future flavours of smoothies or even just talk about their holidays.
One of the other consequences of the blurb on the back is that some of the usual pieces of packaging furniture had to be sacrificed.
“We don’t have to break it down scientifically – people who drink the drinks understand it’s about making things clear. ‘Your statutory rights are not affected’? We didn’t know what that meant and thought if people had a problem, they would phone us up and tell us about it,” Germain adds.



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