Tuesday, January 15, 2008

FireFox and IE: discriminating \ and /

Microsoft has a reputation in filtering things for users: they treat users as dummies and tend to suppress errors and do "automatic" and "smart" convertions when they think necessary.

Why I say that?

My colleague tried to include images from another directory in his web page, basically it worked fine in IE but not Firefox.

He uses in his whyfffails.htm

In the source code of http://server.com/dir1/whyfffails.htm, Firefox just showed something like "http://server.com/dir1/dir2/image.gif", why IE shows "http://server.com/dir2/image.gif" which we thought is normal..

The actual situation was worse as our application was using file:// like "\\damnedvender\dir2\image.gif"

We though FF is not able to reference to another directory in the same page...

Finally we created a simple htm and decided FF is able to do that.

Then we realized firefox only recognized \ as the correct format rather than /


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