Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cold calling

Hi, my name is xxx. I am calling about... Can you tell me the best person to speak with?

Do you have a few minutes to speak with me now?

ask if information sent was received


座位不利于看两头则主动调:Just say, “I’d like to be able to
see you both, if you don’t mind, so I’m going to move over here.” What are they going to do?觉得你很主动initiative



不要接受第一个工资数字卖车So when that offer for $65,500 comes, instead of rushing to accept it, try this:
“$65,500. That seems a little bit low.”Look pensive, don't speak

One possible answer:
“I love to be challenged. I’m looking for a position that will give me a chance to put my skills
to the test.”
“Your company offers so much growth potential. That kind of environment suits me perfectly.”



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